
For Sale


Amazon FBA
Listing Price $382,629
Monthly Multiple 47x
Pricing Periods 12 Months
SKUs 6
Brand Registry Yes
Avg. Monthly Profit $8,141.00
Avg. Monthly Revenue $39,646.00
Profit Margin 21%

Business Started

15th of January, 2014
(10 years 3 months old)

Assets Included in the Sale

  • Amazon Seller Central account with 6 SKUs
  • Primary domain with all site content/files
  • 4 additional domains
  • Supplier relationships
  • Trademarks
  • Email list (1,200 subscribers)
  • Legacy catalog (graphics, photographs, emails, videos, QR codes, product inserts)
  • *Inventory is not normally included in the list price, further details can be provided to active buyers.
Listing Details

This listing is for an Amazon FBA business created in January 2014 in the home niche. Included with the Amazon Seller Central account is a trademarked brand registered with Amazon Brand Registry 2.0 with 6 SKUs for products primarily related to cleaning. The top-selling SKU is rated 4.8 stars with over 3400 reviews and the Seller states that this SKU has a 65% conversion rate. The business has a very stable bottom line, good year-on-year growth, and currently requires minimal effort to maintain thanks to a streamlined supply chain.

Revenue for the business is generated through Amazon FBA in the US and CA. Launching the core products on international Amazon marketplaces and exploring off-Amazon distribution channels have both been highlighted by the Seller as potential opportunities for growth.

There are two suppliers for the business, both of which are based in China. The Seller has personally visited one of the suppliers four times to establish a good working relationship. Inventory is shipped directly from the suppliers via a freight forwarder to a 3PL where it is sent to one of three Amazon warehouses in the Los Angeles area.

The Seller spends around five hours per week on the business monitoring sales and inventory and arranging inventory shipments with the suppliers and freight forwarder as needed. They occasionally send out promotional emails and communicate with a PPC service provider to create strategies for the upcoming month. There is a VA who updates daily sales, conversions, ranking, and ratings by SKU in a spreadsheet. The Seller also uses a bookkeeper, a graphic designer, and a website support technician as needed. All are aware of the sale and would continue with a Buyer.

An interesting avenue of growth highlighted by the Seller is expanding the product line to include complementary products that could be bundled with the existing core products. One of the suppliers currently manufactures a product that the Seller feels would be an ideal addition should a Buyer want to expand the SKU count. More information will be provided to Unlockers who schedule a call with the Seller.

*There are two additional, inactive brands under the Seller Central account. The Seller has let these brands die off, but it would be possible to revive them. More information will be provided to Unlockers who schedule a call with the Seller.

*The Seller received a patent infringement claim for a product that was sold several years back. As part of the settlement, the Seller agreed not to sell the specific product under this brand name. More information will be provided to Unlockers who schedule a call with the Seller.

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Gross Revenue
Net Profit
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12 Months
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Semrush Analytical Data
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Authority Score
Semrush Domain Rank
Number of Referring Domains
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Number of Backlinks
Number of Referring Pages
Backlinks - Anchor Texts
Backlinks - Image Anchor
Backlinks - User Generated Content
NoFollow Backlinks
DoFollow Backlinks
% DoFollow Links
Number of Organic Keywords
Number of SERP Feature Keywords
Number of Keywords ranking in Google Position
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  • Instant access to the site URL(s)
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Semrush's Authority Score is a compound metric used for measuring a domain's overall quality and SEO performance. It's based on a series of metrics that prove trustworthiness and authority.

Unlike other similar SEO industry metrics, the Semrush Authority Score is the least manipulable because in addition to link quality (3 levels deep) it also takes into account organic traffic data and any spam signals that might be present.

The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.

The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.

Seller Questions & Answers
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Seller Interview
  • Expanding the product line and creating bundles
  • Expanding to international Amazon marketplaces
  • Exploring off-Amazon sales channels
  • An increase in Amazon ad pricing could make the ads unprofitable.
  • Amazon could change their fee structure affecting your profit margin at any time.
Work & Skills Required
  • Monitoring inventory and finances
  • Creating PPC strategies
  • Overseeing contractor work
Seller Support Includes

The Seller is offering 30 days of email support and 2 Skype calls to ensure a smooth transition for a Buyer.

Reason for Sale

The Seller would like to use the capital for other projects.

Other Information

Work Required Per Week: 5 Hours

Private Blog Network (PBN): No

Domain Type: .com

Platform: Other, Amazon FBA

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