WES S05E06: Motivation

Justin Cooke April 17, 2020

In this episode, Ace and I discuss what motivates us as individuals, what keeps our teams going, and how to keep your clients’ spirits up.

If you are interested in learning how to stay motivated while we work from home during this season and how to reset your mindset when things become overwhelming, make sure you tune in to this week’s episode.

Listen in as we talk about how anxiety can hit us when we least expect it and how it spills over into different areas of our lives, as well as how to keep your head space clear.

Digging the show? Please do stop by iTunes and give us a review when you get a chance – we’d really appreciate it!

Alright, let’s dig in…

Listen to This Episode

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Self-Motivation
  • Motivating Clients
  • Motivating Teams

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