It's the Season of the Seller - Here's How to Cash Out Now Opportunity podcast ep.21

The Opportunity Ep.21: It’s the Season of the Seller – Here’s How to Cash Out Now

Branden Schmidt February 3, 2021

In this episode of The Opportunity Podcast, we will be speaking with Jimmy Hourin, Senior Business Analyst with the Empire Flippers sales team. Jimmy works on some of the largest deals to hit our marketplace, and he’s here to explain how demand from institutional investors is driving a buying spree for Amazon FBA businesses and creating a market in favor of sellers.

Jimmy explains how our marketplace has drastically changed in less than a year. Multiples have risen sharply for FBA and across the marketplace sellers are enjoying their best multiples and deal structures yet. Buyers are fiercely competitive for top FBA assets and it’s an indicator of investor acceptance of digital acquisitions as a solid investment strategy. Jimmy helps buyers and sellers understand how they can navigate the new market environment to get their best possible deal.

Sit back, grab a coffee, and get ready to learn how you can cash out during this unique season for sellers.

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Topics Discussed in this episode:

  • How you can use the exit planning team to prepare for the highest exit possible
  • What kinds of deal structures buyers are using to be competitive
  • Examples of multiples we are now seeing on the marketplace
  • Why this is an incredible time to sell your business


We hope you enjoy the episode! Have interesting insights on growth opportunities in online business? Know any useful tips when it comes to growth? Either way, leave us a comment below, give us a shout on your favorite social media platform, or leave us a great review if you’re loving the show.

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