Books, News & Education

For Sale

Books, News & Education

OtherAmazon KDP
Listing Price $406,050
Monthly Multiple 38x
Pricing Periods 12 Months
Avg. Monthly Profit $10,686.00
Avg. Monthly Revenue $11,274.00
Profit Margin 95%

Business Started

7th of July, 2014
(9 years 9 months old)

Assets Included in the Sale

  • Amazon KDP account (111 e-books and audiobooks and 7 paperbacks)
  • Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) account (111 audiobooks)
  • IngramSpark account (36 paperbacks)
  • Employee Contracts
  • Contact details for freelancers/agencies
  • Copyright for one product
Listing Details

This listing is for an audiobooks, books, and Amazon KDP business created in July 2014 in the books and education niches. Included with the Amazon Kindle Publishing account are 111 e-books and audiobooks on KDP and ACX, 7 paperbacks on KDP, and 36 paperbacks on IngramSpark. The products have mostly positive reviews and the product range makes the business manageable for a sole operator. The business requires just 7 hours of work from the Seller per week.

The majority of income is generated from ACX sales (95%), followed by IngramSpark (3%) and KDP (2%). Six top-selling books account for 32% of total revenue. The books are ghostwritten by freelancers and established ghostwriting companies. The physical books are print-on-demand and fulfilled via KDP and IngramSpark. Audiobooks are narrated by freelancers on the ACX platform. New content is added on a monthly basis.

The Seller spends around seven hours on the business. The main responsibilities include topic research, managing Amazon ad campaigns, working with a VA, and updating book covers. The VA helps to secure product reviews from customers, while book covers are created by outsourced graphic designers. The VA will likely continue working on the business with the new owner.

The Seller uses ACX codes as a primary product ranking strategy and hasn’t reported experiencing any issues with this method so far.

An absence of social media presence and an email list presents a growth lever for the Buyer to consider.

Converting audiobooks into paperback products is a primary growth opportunity. The Buyer could also translate some of the best-selling audiobooks into different languages and produce a specific type of low-content audiobook.

*IngramSpark provides revenue confirmation every 90 days, which means the P&L does not include the previous 3 months of Ingram Spark revenue. Once these figures are released, they will be added to the P&L.

*The Seller had one book removed from Amazon due to an alleged breach of terms. The book was deleted and there were no further consequences to the KDP or ACX accounts.

*The Seller copyrighted an audiobook to remove other products that plagiarized the book.

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Seller Questions & Answers
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Seller Interview
  • Translating best-selling audiobooks into other languages
  • Converting audiobooks into paperback novels
  • Creating low-content audiobooks
  • Amazon shutting down your Kindle account due to terms of service changes
  • An increase in Amazon ad pricing could make the ads unprofitable.
Work & Skills Required
  • Conducting topic research
  • Managing Amazon ad campaigns
  • Working with a VA
  • Updating book covers
Seller Support Includes

The Seller is willing to offer 30 days of email support and 2 Skype calls to ensure a smooth transition for the Buyer.

Reason for Sale

The Seller wishes to pursue other opportunities.

Other Information

Work Required Per Week: 7 Hours

Private Blog Network (PBN): No

Domain Type: .com

Platform: Other

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