Finding Great Deals as a Buyer in a Seller's Market Opportunity podcast ep40

Finding Great Deals as a Buyer in a Seller’s Market [EP. 40]

Sarah Nuttycombe June 16, 2021

On this episode of The Opportunity Podcast, we will be speaking with Jaryd Krause the CEO of, a consulting and growth network for new or portfolio online business owners. Jaryd explains his story behind why he chooses to invest in online businesses and why they can outperform traditional forms of investing like stocks, bonds, physical investments, and even crypto.

Jaryd brings us up to speed on his experience of performing due diligence on a business acquisition, and the opportunity that these types of investments offer a broad range of investors. He gives us the mindset you should have when performing due diligence, and how taking step back and really understanding your core-skillset will guide your online business success. Jaryd explains why he leans towards looking at the potential risks in an investment over the upside potential only, and how to approach your first offer once you have gained enough experience from performing due diligence on multiple assets. For those looking to acquire their first, or tenth online business, this is a great episode you won’t want to miss.

Sit back, grab a coffee, and get ready to learn how you can be the savviest buyer.

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Topics Discussed in this episode:

  • Why online business assets are outpacing traditional investments like stock, physical assets, and crypto
  • Advice on using your unique skills in due diligence
  • Secret wins for buyers looking to make their first online business acquisition
  • The first steps to grow a newly acquired business


We hope you enjoy the episode! Have interesting insights on growth opportunities in online business? Know any useful tips when it comes to growth? Either way, leave us a comment below, give us a shout on your favorite social media platform, or leave us a great review if you’re loving the show.

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