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Culinary, Food & Beverages, Equipment

For Sale

Culinary, Food & Beverages, Equipment

Display AdvertisingAmazon AssociatesAffiliate
Listing Price $521,067
Monthly Multiple 47x
Pricing Periods 12 Months
Avg. Monthly Profit $11,087.00
Avg. Monthly Revenue $11,178.00
Profit Margin 99%

Business Started

19th of February, 2012
(12 years 2 months old)

Assets Included in the Sale

  • Domains including all content and files for the sites
  • Social media accounts ( Facebook, Twitter)
  • Email List (9,000 subscribers)
  • Several additional sites in the same niche
Listing Details

This listing is for a display advertising, Amazon Associates, and affiliate business created in February 2012 in the culinary, food & beverages, and equipment niches. The business includes 3 WordPress sites that feature recipes, reviews, and informational articles about a specific cooking method and its associated equipment. The sites have experienced relatively stable net profits, have decent backlink profiles, and have good traffic diversity across the top pages. The business includes an email list with over 9K subscribers and requires minimal effort to maintain.

The business earns its income through AdThrive display ads (95%), Amazon Associates (3%), and affiliate links (2%). For the first site, the top three traffic channels include organic search (92.44%), direct (6.77%), and referral (0.39%). The top three countries driving traffic are the US (90.38%), Canada (4.95%), and Australia (1.4%). The top three pages on the site account for 6.96%, 5.4%, and 4.15% of the total site traffic respectively.

For the second site, the top three traffic channels include organic search (84.35%), direct (11.48%), and social (3.35%). The top three countries driving traffic are the US (81.11%), Canada (6.77%), and the UK (2.98%). The top three pages on the site account for 4.21%, 3.85%, and 2.88% of the total site traffic respectively.

For the third site, the top three traffic channels include organic search (75.15%), direct (16.47%), and referral (5.94%). The top three countries driving traffic are the US (78.67%), Canada (7.67%), and Australia (3.27%). The top three pages on the site account for 4.14%, 3.51%, and 3.43% of the total site traffic respectively.

All of the site content is written by the Seller.

*One of the sites was hit by a Google Algorithm update in 2019 but has since recovered. There have been zero manual penalties, etc.

Gross Revenue
Net Profit
Last Month
6 Months
12 Months
All time
Site Traffic
Page Views
Unique Users
Last Month
6 Months
12 Months
All time
Semrush Analytical Data
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Authority Score
Semrush Domain Rank
Number of Referring Domains
Number of Referring IP Addresses
Number of Backlinks
Number of Referring Pages
Backlinks - Anchor Texts
Backlinks - Image Anchor
Backlinks - User Generated Content
NoFollow Backlinks
DoFollow Backlinks
% DoFollow Links
Number of Organic Keywords
Number of SERP Feature Keywords
Number of Keywords ranking in Google Position
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  • Instant access to the site URL(s)
  • Detailed proof of earnings and traffic
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All businesses are fully reviewed and vetted by our team of advisors before being listed on the marketplace.

  • Seller Verification
  • Revenue Verification
  • Traffic Verification
  • Expenses Review

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Semrush's Authority Score is a compound metric used for measuring a domain's overall quality and SEO performance. It's based on a series of metrics that prove trustworthiness and authority.

Unlike other similar SEO industry metrics, the Semrush Authority Score is the least manipulable because in addition to link quality (3 levels deep) it also takes into account organic traffic data and any spam signals that might be present.

The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.

The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.

Seller Questions & Answers
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Seller Interview
  • Creating new content
  • Create more Amazon affiliate content
  • Building and monetizing the email list
  • Google updates to ranking factors may influence future traffic performance.
  • Changing advertisers could lead to a lower CTR (click through rate) generating less revenue.
Work & Skills Required
  • Creating and publishing content
  • Sending weekly emails to subscribers
  • Checking earnings
Seller Support Includes

The Seller is willing to offer up to 4 months of email and phone support, including keyword research and content creation, to ensure a smooth transition of the sale.

Reason for Sale

The Seller would like to focus on other opportunities.

Other Information

Work Required Per Week: 12 Hours

Private Blog Network (PBN): No

Domain Type: .com

Platform: WordPress

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