News & Education

For Sale

News & Education

Info ProductDisplay Advertising
Listing Price $85,753
Monthly Multiple 36x
Pricing Periods 12 Months
Brand Registry No
Avg. Monthly Profit $2,382.00
Avg. Monthly Revenue $2,684.00
Profit Margin %

Business Started

31st of July, 2008
(15 years 8 months old)

Assets Included in the Sale

  • Primary domain & all site content/files
  • Secondary website
  • Email list
Listing Details

This listing is for an info product business created in July 2008 in the education niche. The custom built site features study aids for a military exam. The site earns revenue from membership fees which give access to forums, questions, and practice exams. This business has a great site age, impressive session duration, low bounce rate, consistent earnings, and requires minimal work from the Seller.

The primary source of traffic is organic from Google. Word of mouth is also a powerful traffic source for this business. There are three pricing options for membership that relate to the duration: one month, three months, or twelve months. Customers only buy the service for as long as they need to study so the model is not really ‘MRR’ or Monthly Recurring Revenue. This said, this customer base is required to renew one of the licenses they are studying for, every few years, which leads to repeat business.

The site also brings in a small revenue from Adsense, with ads only shown to non-paying site users, who have free daily usage. There is a second related website with affiliate links in place that will be included in the sale. So far the income has been insignificant, but this is an opportunity for the Buyer to explore. There is also an email list of around 24,000 users which has not been monetized — another opportunity for the Buyer.

The Seller has already begun making some improvements to the website to make it more user-friendly and mobile-friendly. They’ve also collected a list of schools in the niche to contact and promote the business. In addition, the Seller has started creating an info product to market to the large contact list. These are all moves that aren’t yet reflected in revenue, but will surely have a positive effect.

*The business has also used a .net domain under the same branding for email. Some emails still run through the .net domain but the .net site 301 redirects to the .com.

Gross Revenue
Net Profit
Last Month
6 Months
12 Months
All time
Site Traffic
Page Views
Unique Users
Last Month
6 Months
12 Months
All time
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Semrush's Authority Score is a compound metric used for measuring a domain's overall quality and SEO performance. It's based on a series of metrics that prove trustworthiness and authority.

Unlike other similar SEO industry metrics, the Semrush Authority Score is the least manipulable because in addition to link quality (3 levels deep) it also takes into account organic traffic data and any spam signals that might be present.

The Semrush Domain Rank is a website's position in a list of every single website in Semrush's database, sorted by organic traffic. At present there are over 39 million websites in list. For reference, Empire Flippers ranks as the 96,500th most trafficked website in Semrush's database.

The total number of different domains (aka websites) linking to this site.

Seller Questions & Answers
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  • Giving the website interface a facelift to be more user-friendly & mobile friendly. There is already some work in progress for this.
  • Working more closely with the 300+ niche related schools to promote the service. The Seller has created this list and will share it with the Buyer.
  • Building more info products to market to the contact list.
  • Improving features. For example, creating an offline version would top of the list.
Work & Skills Required
  • Answering up to 3 support tickets. Takes less than 15 minutes daily.
  • Send out the monthly marketing email.
Seller Support Includes

The Seller is happy to provide 60 days of Skype and email support to ensure a smooth transition. This is double the standard support offered.

Reason for Sale

The Seller would like to focus on their larger businesses.

Other Information

Work Required Per Week: 1 Hours

Private Blog Network (PBN): No

Domain Type: .com

Platform: WordPress

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